The Community of Mvenyane & KwaBhaca Crying out Loud for the Ineffective Upgrading of District Road DR08017 from Cedarville R56(Kaka's hill) to N2 Mount Frere- kwaBhaca




  DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE EASTERN CAPE       TO                         : Minister of Public works {Mr. Sihle Zikalala}                              : Director general Sifiso Mdakana for thedepartment of public works and infrastructure   Subject                : Ineffective Upgrading of District Road DR08017 from Cedarville to Mvenyane   From                   : Mvenyane Residents     It’s is with great disappointment that we have to write this memorandum to you as we cannot bear the living condition of our communities suffering from the road {DR08017} from Cedarville R56 (kaka's hill) to N2 Mount Frere that was left unattended approximately six years back.   The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, these acts promote the right to an adequate standard of living, which includes having access to basic infrastructure like roads. But unfortunately, our human rights as Mvenyane & kwaBhaca resident have been desecrated by your department. Our road was left fragmentary since 2017 up until now and the road is in a very depraved condition in such a way that we as the community of Mvenyane & KwaBhca inept to receive social services like clinical care, ambulances, etc. In 2008 Mvenyane residence grieved for 27 deceased residents who were involved in a calamity terrible accident which left a high percentage of orphans in our community. Below is the construction company that was awarded a tender to build the road.   Publishing award was as follows

  Name of Institution incl. Province:  Department of road & Public works.  Contract Description: Upgrading of District road DR08017 FROM 56 to Mvenyane.  Contract No. SCMU5-15/16-0144. Contract period: 18 Months.  Date of award: 2-Jun-16.  Name of successful Bidder: Xesibe Construction.  Contract Price: R127 809 293.50.  Director's Name: Bangani Bulelani Zolani  

 We therefore, demand Mr. Zikalala, Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga and department of Public works and Department of Transport in the Eastern Cape We therefore, demand to come and give us answers within 7 working days of the receipt of this memorandum in his office. Failing which no voting stations will be opened in all voting stations of Mvenyane & kwaBhaca. We demand our rights, we demand to be treated fairly. IXESHA LUTSHABA.          

Signed By   Mvenyane & kwaBhaca residents ………………………………… Support now Sign this petition   Contact community 

Inscribed by Mvenyane & KWABHACA Residents 

Abahlali base Mvenyane nakwa Bhaca    Contactar o autor da petição

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