City Powers failure to address power outages

Good day.  I am writing this petition on behalf of the residents of Kibler Park South of JHB.  We have been without electricity since after 7am Thursday 7December2023.  City Power of JHB informed us that they have been looking for the fault since after the power went off.  City Power are feeding us as residents of Kibler Park lies after lies.  Late yesterday around 17h00 on 7December 2023 City Power closed our ticket telling us they could not find the problem.  Today this afternoon at around 14h00 on Friday 8December 2023 they still did not send out a team to find the fault.  We as residents of Kibler Park demands #City Power to resolve this issue.  This is not the first outage of this kind we experienced as electricity has been off on number of times ranging 1 to 3 day on one.  We demand that the manager incharge of City Power be dismissed or replaced for failing to do his/her job.  We as the residents of Kibler Park also demands that the Counsellor of our area who is under the political party DA start solving our problems as we can't go on like this anymore.  We lost business, food, and livehoods as a direct result of City Power's non careless.  Enough is enough 

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