Help to keep BUBBLE’S COFFEE VAN @ Eimeo Beach

We are putting together this petition for you all to sign to help us keep Bubble's Coffee Van at Eimeo beach.
Mum & I have worked so hard to get our little coffee van up and running and building up a clientele - we finally get our Council approval on Wednesday to be told on Thursday that the Surf Club require us to pay $350 from $100 a week to be able to continue using their power.. we haven't been able to negotiate and left no other option to close our doors as we wouldn't be able to make that much to cover the cost of rent, food cost and cover a wage which Mum & I share between us.. this is our little dream that we finally made a reality only to be left disheartened and disappointed.. 

We did it for the Community connection and the surf club was happy to work in with us to get the approvals to now put this on us.. if you enjoy having Bubble's Coffee at the Beach then please sign this petition and share your feelings on the situation so we can take it to the Surf Life Saving Association as we thought that's what this club was about community.

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