Stop Transgenderism Now!

We the undersigned petition His Majesty's Government to:

1 Repeal the Gender Recognition Act 2004 which says a man may claim to be a woman or a young girl with emotional problems may decide she is really a boy.

2 Repeal the Equality Act 2010 with its ‘protected characteristics’ upon which the whole diversity, equality and inclusion industry and DE&I officers is built.

3 Outlaw the sale of 'breast binders', the prescription of puberty-blocking hormones, which stop children growing up, and the barbarism of ‘gender-affirming’ mutilation.

4 Outlaw the use of pronouns which do not reflect the sex someone was born with, including newspaper articles calling rapists ‘she’ with references to ‘her penis’.

The most recent examples of trans madness showing why these measures are necessary (dating from February 2024):

A. The John Lewis Partnership, which also owns Waitrose, published a staff magazine so pro-trans it advised parents of mixed-up girls to provide them with breast binders.

B. The University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust claimed a substance excreted by so-called ‘trans women’, that’s men, after taking a combination of drugs, is “comparable” to mother's milk. The same NHS trust refers to ‘chest-feeding’ instead of ‘breast-feeding’.

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